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Having a Beach Campfire on Cape Cod
What You Need to Know

Updated: July 3, 2024

It's a perfect evening on Cape Cod. The stars are twinkling, the waves are lapping at the shore, and you're all set to pile up some wood for your beach campfire.

Beach campfireCampfire on the Beach

Hang on just a second!

Before you strike that match, there are a few things you need to know about building a campfire on the beach on Cape Cod.

Where Private Beach Bonfires are Allowed

There are only a few places where it's legal to have a private beach fire. And where it's allowed, you must have a permit.

Read on for locations, permit information, and insiders tips for planning your campfire on the beach ...

Campfires at
Cape Cod National Seashore Beaches

During the early evening, small private fires are allowed on six Atlantic Ocean beaches on the Cape Cod National Seashore:

  • Coast Guard Beach in Eastham
  • Nauset Light Beach in Eastham
  • Marconi Beach in Wellfleet
  • Head of the Meadow in Truro
  • Herring Cove in Provincetown
  • Race Point in Provincetown

National Seashore Fire Permits: Before you think about creating even the tiniest blaze, be sure you have a permit!

The National Parks Service issues fire permits free of charge, but only a very limited number of them for each beach.

Since demand often exceeds the daily supply, it's best to reserve your permit 3 days in advance. (For example: Reserve on Sunday for a campfire on Wednesday, reserve on Monday for a fire on Thursday, etc.)

  • To reserve your permit for a campfire at Coast Guard, Nauset Light, or Marconi Beach, call or visit Salt Pond Visitor Center on Rt. 6 in Eastham (508-255-3421).

  • To reserve your permit for Head of the Meadow, Race Point, or Herring Cove, call or visit Province Lands Visitor Center on Race Point Road in Provincetown (508-487-1256).

More about reserving a National Seashore beach campfire permit.

*Note: The National Parks Service takes permit reservations from people who are physically present at the visitors center each morning before phone reservations are accepted. 

Good to Know ...

The easiest beaches to access while carrying a load of firewood and all your other campfire gear are:

Campfires at Town-Managed Beaches

Only a few towns allow campfires on their public and private beaches ... and you must have a town-issued permit.

Ladies on the beach with their supplies for an evening campfireBeautiful evening for a beach campfire at Sandy Neck!

Sandwich: Evening camp fires are allowed on Sandy Neck ORV beach after 7PM, but only when wind/weather conditions allow. Call the Gate House at Sandy Neck at (508) 362-8300 for more info.

Wellfleet: Campfires are allowed on four of Wellfleet's ocean-side beaches during the summer months, after 6:00 p.m. 

To be eligible for a permit, the applicant must be a Wellfleet Resident or visitor with a valid Wellfleet Parking Permit or be eligible for a Wellfleet Parking permit issued by the town. Click here for details.

Truro: Small beach fires are allowed at designated beaches in the town of Truro. The number of permits available for each beach is limited.

To be eligible for a permit, the applicant must be a town of Truro resident or staying in the town of Truro (verification required). Click here for details.

What to Bring With You

In addition to a big bag of fresh marshmallows and some long pointy sticks for roasting tools - required items, IMHO! - there are a few other things you'll want to take with you when you head off to the beach.

Fire Wood: Look for roadside stands selling firewood by the armload. Or you can buy small bundles of wood at most local grocery stores and convenience marts.

*Important - Please, buy your fire wood. Don't try collecting your own! Local laws and ordinances prohibit taking wood from Mother Nature.

And unlike the wood you find in the wild, the firewood you buy is already cut to manageable size, it's not damp, and it's not  "buggy". Seriously - buy some!

A Flashlight: It gets dark out there. Even if it's light when you arrive, you'll want to find your way back to your car without tripping over anything.

Bring a flashlight with fully-charged batteries. You can pick up a cheap flashlight and batteries at one of the local Christmas Tree Shops (they have everything under the sun, not just Christmas-related stuff!) or at a local hardware store.

Insect Repellent: Yes, as the sun sets, little flying critters do come out. Especially on nights where there's no breeze blowing, or when the breeze is coming off the land. It's wise to have some bug repellent handy, just in case. (Here's what I use. They're  easy to carry, and they work like a charm!)

Fishing Gear: Okay, this isn't for everyone, I know. But if you love fishing, bring your gear. The hours around dusk are prime surf fishing time for Striped Bass and Bluefish!

Warm Clothes: It gets chilly on our beaches after the sun goes down. Don't forget your "warmies"!

A beach blanket with waterproof backing is handy to have, too!

And last but not least, when your evening comes to an end, please be sure your fire is fully extinguished, and take your trash with you for proper disposal.

Let's all do our share to keep Cape Cod's beaches pristine!

Related Pages:

Where and When Beach Camping is Allowed

Cape Cod Beaches Guide


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